Thursday, March 31, 2005 ♥
piggified. ♥ 3:39 AM
to my dearest pig:
haha.yayy yayy! my pig tagged me.
i didnt think you would.
i mean yar lar. i asked you.
but i thought you wouldnt.
heehee. okay i'm being mean. but my pig's mean too.
haha. i'm so going high today. didnt talk to you much today.
got miss me?
haha. i missed you. i miss everyone.
this entry is for you my handsome pig.haha
Wednesday, March 30, 2005 ♥
yayy! ♥ 4:54 AM
yes man! 2nd april is coming! i cant wait to see all campers.haha. sigh. life has been alrights lately.just didnt do as well as i expected in my common test.heehee...guess wad... i miss ...... haha. not gonna sayyou cant make me.lalalawhee! i'm evil and mean right? mr edmund. haha.your not any different you know.haha.see you soon people. study hard. DO your best.
Friday, March 25, 2005 ♥
me me me! ♥ 11:24 PM
all about me! lalala..
whee! so sad. got lots of exams coming up. sigh.
must pray for me yeah? haha.
everybody who is feeling down. cheer up!
those happy..stay happy.
qi rui qi rui qi rui qi rui...dots..
will you stop daoing me. it hurts la.
sigh..i know you also wont read it la. but just wanna tell you to stop daoing me.
why do i always get hurt in a relationship?
sigh. i guess thats just life.
one of us..will always get hurt.
oh ya..thanks edmund for helping me with my 20 word list.
and i still dun believe your only 15.
i really enjoyed my camp on 17 to 20 of march.
love those people in my camp group.
like..anting, kim, christopher, kang hong and andrew.
and all those who had been there as my frenz..
nicholas, melven, christopher low, aneel, josephine, lyana and lots more.
if i forgot your name..i'm sorry.. take care lots..
miss you guys. see your on 2 april.
Sunday, March 13, 2005 ♥
joan here. ♥ 9:19 PM
JOAN here!!!!laralrlarlar..harharharhs.okok.anw,i dunno why nat ask me to blog for her house father is here too!they're talking bout guitarrs!harhars.and i told my dad bout the guitar pro.durh!cause he is the real guitar pro what.hee hees. ohs.and im so bored.and they re still talking bout guitar!matt is here durh.okok.should i stop here?hmms..okok.i shall stop here!oh.remember to go to my blog!link it!tag it!
Tuesday, March 08, 2005 ♥
heyhey ♥ 4:13 AM
hey guys,
haven been updating..
pretty caught up with life that i forgot all abt this blog..
well..guess i'm back..
hows everyone?
i scored full marks for maths twice..
so happy..
gtg now..
take care you guys hor..
love ya..
natalie =]
Natalie ♥
♥ The psychotic lover.