Wednesday, August 31, 2005 ♥
teachers' day!! ♥ 2:27 PM
happy teachers' day ms chia!! should be able to see how much i appreciate this teacher.though some times i think she's really very TOO MUCH!!
i still love her and i know that she loves and cares for me that's why she went through so much for me.
thanks ms chia!
ok.that's it.
then we were having mass.
i was suppose to sing INTO the mic MYSELF.
but ok.nvm i shared with adora.
then suddenly the mic no sound.
so no mic.
then i decided not to sing and help the musicians.
so i went over to check it out.
then after that i helped up and i played the communion hymm.
"so you would come"
opps.i forgot the earlier part.
i was suppose to go school at 640.
but i was late.650.
haha.i was suppose to practise that sound.
and mr teoh wasnt there yet.
so i also played the drums.was really cool.
i so wanna be involved in all the mass now.haha.
ok.back to where i stopped.
then we had aces day.
but i didnt take part as i had mc from pe.
cause of my SWOLLEN EYE!!
ok.then we had the performance in school for the teachers.
it was so nice.
done by 2e, dance club, the student council, 3g, 4e,f,g and one more class.
then this year's theme was 60s and 70s.
so the teachers dressed up for that occasion.
then we had a competition for the retro queen and king.
but all the male teachers did not dress up.
so we had queen and princess.
after all that,
the teacher's all came on stage and then they told us they had something for us.
as on youth day the teachers did not do anything for us.
so they said it was a belated youth day.
so the teachers made a show for us called the "SJC IDOL" funny.most of the teachers acted inside.
super chia was also very will regret not taking me!!my mother told me i sing well!!haha.
i think today was the best day of the year so far.
first time in 2005 i liked and enjoyed school.
anw.i wrote you can see.
i just wanna say loads of thanks to:
rachael wee,
for bringing a smile to my face.
love you guys loadies.
take care.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 ♥
swollen eye!! ♥ 3:40 PM
ok!i'm super angry at turtle chow!
she like totally embarrassed me today!
i wasn feeling well alry to begin with.
but i still wanted to go school. i told my dad that if i'm not feeling too good then i'll stay out from pe.
but that stupid turtle didnt allow.
so i still went.
then come say me until i cry.
wha..i cry ah then make my swollen eye worse!
ok.then i called my dad.
but he didnt answer his phone.
then i called my mum.
i asked her if she could come down to school to fetch me
but she didnt have the car.
so ok.nvm.i rmbed my auntie.
then she came down to fetch me!!
out of the STUPID school.
ok.i went to see the doc.
my eye was swollen.
some infection or smth.
then i had gastric pain.
so got some medicine too.
now i'm at my auntie's house.
eye still pain.
i shall stop now la.
i'm really tired.
i'm going to study.
amerie!!i tot you forgot me!
carol?we've've said things that hurt me but i just kept quiet.
beat?we've drifted too.
mei shan.thanks for your tissue paper today.
cheryl.thanks for keeping me company.
ching!!thanks for your letter!
pts!sinyee!you still owe me a i owe you?haha
pts!tiffy!you owe me a letter!
meinui,min pei!i got a longer status for us!
laopa!heng today never get caught right?haha.
lao gong!you owe me a letter too!!
darling.linsin!opps i owe you a letter.take care.
ok.these are the pple who blessed me today,
dear God,
i pray you bless them too!
Thursday, August 25, 2005 ♥
me myself and i ♥ 10:10 PM
my world is turning upside down without you by my side.
everything is havok now.
i cant think straight.
i cant do anything right.
i'm just so bothered by everything around me.
what is exactly happening to me?
to carol.
ok.i wanted to say this just now but i didnt.
you promised me it'll only be two of us.
yet it turned out to be clarissa annabel and meishan.
if you were in my position.
i'm sure you'll be angry.
well i'm not angry at you or whatever.
but i just wanted you to know that i find that we're drifting.
not as close as we were last time.
why? take care my dearest daughter.i love you lots.
on a happier note.
i just made a new friend!!
yesterday i started talking to her!!
her name is AMERIE!!
haha.she's a really nice and sweet girl!!
anyway, it's kinda late now.
i guess i should go to sleep now.
plus i'm not really in the mood to blog.
i'm just blogging for the sake of blogging.
so that my blog wont die.
p.s hui yan, lin sin, ching and pts(sin yee)
reply my letter and see you guys in school tmr!!
these's are the pple whom made me smile today,
my mummy!!
and amerie!
thanks you made me feel extra special today!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 ♥
sick.... ♥ 9:30 AM
hello everybody.
i didnt go to school today.
i'm sick.
i'm having a really bad headache.
and i dun really have energy to do anything.
so my entry will be short ok?
dunno what to write alry la.
everybody take care!!
Saturday, August 20, 2005 ♥
♥ 1:05 AM
haha. i am back! =)
dear nat,
i miss you a lot.
missing is not nice!
the feeling is terrible.
how i long for you to be right here now. =)
there're many things in my heart i long to release.
and yet each time i see you.
these elements to release are set free immediately.
you see.
you're that powerful. =)
wo ai ni.
signing off,
Friday, August 19, 2005 ♥
hello.i'm back ♥ 1:52 PM
hello hello i'm back.
just to keep this blog alive.
take care!!
i miss beat and my PTL.
she hasnt come to school for so many days. =[
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 ♥
♥ 9:41 PM
poor nat's computer's kinda screwed.
so i'm here to keep this place alive. =)
it's been a nice day and i miss her voice.
life may be a big mess but nat makes it right,
i'm sorry for the times i get held up and kept you waiting. =(
i thank you for nice times. =)
day eleven, and counting.
things will only get better? =)
i trust so.
i love you.
signing off,
Sunday, August 14, 2005 ♥
huh?depressed?no. ♥ 8:56 AM
do i look depressed?
well everyone thinks so.
but i also dunno la.
like yesterday's service.
passion believe it or not!
gonna blog really short today.
cheers everyone.
take care.
will he ever forgive me?will my parents allow us to talk again?
Saturday, August 13, 2005 ♥
saturday ♥ 1:18 PM
i always look towards the weekend.
i get to go to church and meet my frens.
to worship God and to just be in His presence.
i dunno what to blog.
but i just feel upset?
i also dunno why.
maybe i'm just pmsing.
but i hardly do.
i cant wait till i go to church.
i dun like school.
but i know what i must do in school.
maybe i'll just go to school everyday and look forward to fri?
then i get to spend time with the councillors and stuff.
take care pple.
beat.i understand you're busy.
it's ok. =]
Friday, August 12, 2005 ♥
cca fun? ♥ 9:35 PM
today's cca was ok la.
quite fun.
tiff is angry at sinyee.
sigh.stuck in between?both of them my pts?
during cca we were like singing songs?
christian songs?
like one way and stuff!!
how cool can that be!
i played the guitar too.
there's were three councillors there.
then when cca finished.
another councillor and i joined in.
we were kinda having cell.
we were just sharing some testimonies to encourage each other.
plus they had a small cell group in school.
so cool.
at first when we were talking abt stuff i felt weird.
cause they were all councillors.
but they are all my sisters in christ.
so ya.
what they said was right.
we are where we are is all God's plan.
He has a purpose for all of us.
we are here to leave our footprints behind.
and set an example.
to stand out from the rest and be different.
so from today onwards i will be different.
i wanna show everyone it's God i'm living for and not man.
then it's like i guess i had alot of fun with them.
i think i would like to join their cell some time.
we'll be praying for the school.
we will show pple we're different.
it will happen.
anyway, i think i wrote very long already.
maybe i'll write again some time.
i just read beat's blog.
i dunno what's she going thru.
dunno how to help her when she doesnt tell me anything.
i really wish to be there for her.
i guess she's really busy?
we dun sms or talk as much i guess.
well..take care pple.
nat loves you very much.
Thursday, August 11, 2005 ♥
lala ♥ 9:23 PM
i change template le.
so haven done everything up.
when i have the time i'll continue updating ok?
love you.
hellos. ♥ 8:23 PM

i'm so tired.
today had the dunno what marina carnival.
so angry also la.some guy scold my fren.
i mean i know she's wrong la.
but no need to raise voice right!!
stupid ACS guy.
no offense to the rest in there but ya.
haha. that thing was alright la.
i miss ....... dun wan tell you.
i'm evil. xp
ahhh..beat is having tuition now.
no more time for me already la.
so sad.
today mat also got caught for TAF.
now got
100 hours of CWO!!
ok.i'm mean.
but it's funny?
so many hours la.
gtg study?or maybe sleep?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 ♥
eh!! ♥ 5:23 PM
i found the ya.
oh man! ♥ 5:10 PM
i just wrote a very long entry and then everything was deleted before i could publish it!!!!!!!
so angry.
anyway. i'm gonna summarise what i wrote.
i met pam linsin and huiyan.
me and germaine headed home together.
and we went to the arcade to play and to watch pple making a fool out of themselves.
doing the stupid para para thing.
that's funny.
and my bro was wearing a poncho around the house.
and he thinks it's funny.
oh ya.on our way back we met beat. happy!
anyway,that's all.
take care pple.
love you guys.
the hug was good.i think i needed it.thanks.i love 5 already.
outing ♥ 5:02 PM
today's outing was fun.i thought it was boring cause beat was not going.but it was alrights la.yar.i did miss beat.alot.but yar.we went to the arcade to play.laughed at pple doing the para para thing.hahahaha..lols.then we saw pam,linsin and huiyan at PS.haha.on monday when i went to PS.i saw qiao.later after everything when we were heading back we met beat.haha.then me and germaine went home together.cause both of our stops were at i'm finally at home.and my bro is like making himself look weird.he's wearing a poncho.haha.and he thinks it's is.dots.ok.other then more.byeee!!!btw,the hug was good.i guess i needed it. smiles.
.... ♥ 9:26 AM
i just realised that i seldom post.haha
anw.i'm so happy i can go out today.but at the same time sad.cause beat cant go.
sigh.but today is suppose to be a happy day. so ya. =]
whoa,i've been studying alot these few days.
first i studied alot cause i wanted to go out on monday.
so i studied on sunday.
and on tuesday which was yesterday.
i locked myself in the room to study.
but though it was 5 hours.
it felt longer.
and like i only covered so little.
hmm..two chpts of geog and two chpts of chinese. little right?
yesterday i went out with my parents.
so happy.we bought a lot of stuff.
things that i wanted since fop.
first it was hillsong's cd "GOD HE REIGNS"
then i wanted the cd..that..lao shu ai da mi song.
so i also got it.
then i also bought my testpad.
err.i bought a new dress too!!
then i got my hand painted. childish.
but it's ok.
it was fun.haha.
i got a butterfly and err.rainbow.
now i'm gonna get ready to leave the house to meet carol and the rest.
we're going out today!!
zerrica, carol, me, annabel, clarissa, meishan and suppose to be beat too.but ya.
going to watch movie.i think.
but if got not nice show then not watching le.'s entry very long.
beat i miss you too.haha
wait i forgot to tell you guys that i met jia jun in town on monday.
so happy.jia!!i miss you lots!!
we so need a SCGS(6 G) MEETING!!
take care everybody.
meishan cheer up!!
believe in forever.i love you.i do.
Sunday, August 07, 2005 ♥
fop ♥ 8:09 AM
FOP was fun.
i went for two days.
friday and saturday.
friday i went with joan, elo and joan's school friends.
later we met chai, and there were no seats he sat with us.
anyway, later on it started to get boring.
we were like sitting at the balcony at the it was really hard to see.
ok.that's all for friday.boring!!
next it was sat.
this time round i was going with my parents.
isn't this cool.i sat with them and got second row seats.
at first i wanted to sit with my friends but...
they had already arranged seats for my mum.bro and me.
my dad was sitting on stage.
how cool is that?!
before the concert began.
i wanted to meet my friends.
and i also wanted to see beat.
she had somethin to pass to me & so did i.
so i begged my dad.but he said no.
but after much persuation.mummy said yes!but for a while.
i ran over to the SC gals to say hi.and then i went to meet beat.
oh gosh!i was so happy after
anyway.i just so happy.and i cant wait for monday!
it all has's already day two. =]
Natalie ♥
♥ The psychotic lover.