Sunday, April 23, 2006 ♥
♥ 4:13 AM
this blog is officially rotting.
yeah mann.
why am i so happy about it?
this is lame lah.
i found out abt this robot thingy on msn.(courtesy of duck)
go add this thing to msn. damn funny.
we're all having fun with it online.
gtg ciaos.
happy 7th month sweets! (:
Sunday, April 09, 2006 ♥
♥ 12:43 PM
i'm back.
after so long.
tmr is me and pl day.
PL!!i love you!happy one month!!i wish one day early in case i cant blog tmr!haha.
today going out with daddy!
and matt.
i really miss you alot daddy.
mummy, i miss you too.
you guys are hardly around nowadays.
well.i'm talking to my real parents.
so yar.
Sunday, April 02, 2006 ♥
♥ 8:47 PM
do you think i'm very happy when i'm angry with you?!! i hate being angry at you. you are the only one in school i can talk to. it's like i dont know why i cant connect with anyone else. i feel's like i'm just emotionally weak and it's like wth lar. you should know i'm very moody why must you still do this to me?!! i keep telling you not to do it yet you still did. i told you that you should at least ask me right. i just want you to understand that i just want you to tell me or at least ask me. but you didnt. this is not the first time okay??!! i really dont know what to say or do now lar. i've also got no one to talk to. GOD, why must you do this to me? please bring me away. to a faraway place. take me home with you would be the best.
Natalie ♥
♥ The psychotic lover.