Saturday, February 17, 2007 ♥
♥ 2:18 PM
today is chinese new year eve.
seems just like another sat. just no tuition. studying, playing com, chatting.
it's the same old things.
same old routine.
someone help me get out of that boring routine please.
spices up my life! bring colour into it!
thoughts for the day:things all around me seems to be changing so fast,moving on,people seem to be changing too,doing new things, trying new things.what about me?caught in such a is the same.people with masks.tough front, broken should i help them?rumors travelling world wide,mouths moving, words coming out.but what's alr said cannot be taken back.cover my ears to all those that are about me.friends, true friends.that's what i've always been looking for.relationship, strong relationships.those that after a hurricane,it'll still be there.even after a earthquake i still know they'll be there.relation not only in love but friendship.will you be my friend? someone who will stand by my side through thick and thin?someone that will never leave even when everyone else have?someone that loves me for who i am?my identity is found in only one person and that is you, GOD! (:
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 ♥
♥ 6:00 PM
HAPPY VDAY YALLLLLL!! (: *i know i'm a bit late!! (:HAHAHA. it's been a super long time since i've blogged man. oh i'm at home. not feeling too good.oh wells. hahaha. maybe i'm just too tired. today is a long day for me la. if i go to school.hahaha. oh wells. wait! why do i keep saying oh wells?hahah. how did all of yall spend vday yesterday?? (:my vday aint that exciting. well, i kinda miss sjc cause it's like everyone loves everyone on vday?everyone feels loved. no one gets left alone. and everyone has gifts.but in kcpss, it's weird if you exchanged gifts. its like not a very big thing. ):after reading some sjcian's blog. i suddenly miss the feeling of being loved by kcp, well. i dont have much friends.many pple dont like me cause of i dont know what reasons.and maybe cause there's alot of rumors about me?oh wells. i dont care alr! i'll just concentrate on my studies and and anddddd.... i'll... i also dunno la.oh wells.!!byeeee
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 ♥
♥ 5:22 PM
hey hey hey!
super long never blog. had no time. just so super busy la. it's like i've not been online for like 4 to 5 days?! gosh! hahaha! (:
but now i dont know what to blog.
i still got no where to go on valentine's day!
hahahah! (:
so many things has happen until i dont know even know what to blog about.
oh wells. (:
Natalie ♥
♥ The psychotic lover.