Wednesday, September 24, 2008 ♥
♥ 7:25 PM
im in school now. in the library having free period now.((:hahaha. im like superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr bored.nothing much to blog abt nowadays. it's like all i do all day is to study la.yesterday i went to take mc just to stay home to study.....hahah. HARDCORE MUGGER now (:iloveyou(:
Monday, September 22, 2008 ♥
♥ 12:43 AM
it's been a long time since ive blogged aye?haha.ive been good. life's been treating me the best! though im in the midst of my prep for O's, i think God has really send people along to bless me.thanks amos, neubronner, mich, jan, matt and isaiah(:you guys have really made my life a whole lot better.MAMMA MIA IS THE BOMB!EVERYONE SHOULD CATCH IT!watched it with matt, jan, dylan, mich and neubronner.after that had a super nice dinner with neubronner. thanks neubronner(:it was really nice.then after that went to mich's house to watch I AM LEGEND.(another good show that i recommend)yep, that's basically all for now(: bye allllllllllll!!KEEP ON STUDYING!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 ♥
♥ 2:59 AM
LIKE LIKE?!!!!!!!

Friday, September 05, 2008 ♥
♥ 1:00 AM
why do i feel so lonely?
Monday, September 01, 2008 ♥
♥ 2:33 AM
hey everybody! im blogging because ALOT of pple has asked me to i will.been studying quite abit. yeah. haha.still in the midst of prelims. so all out there, please keep me in prayer! (:
Natalie ♥
♥ The psychotic lover.