Thursday, January 15, 2009 ♥
♥ 10:22 PM
oopsie. i havent blogged in like ages.
so many things have happened and i just dont feel like blogging.
anyway, everyone, thanks for asking how i did for my O's.
i did well enough to get into the course that i want. so yep.
dont need to worry about me ((:
Sunday, January 04, 2009 ♥
♥ 8:21 PM
okay, i realised that i havent actually blog about the new year.everything just started all too fast for me to capture anything.its 2009 already. am i ready for it? well, i think i am.this year, with God alongside with me. i think i can do ANYTHING THAT I SET MY MIND ON.i shall talk about 2008 first before i start with 2009.firstly, thank you God for making this year so marvelous. without You watching over me, i would not have grown so much. i really changed during this entire year. Daddy God, You've been faithful. and i want to be faithful to You too. thank You so much. i really love You. Your presence is overwhelming. i never wanna leave You. thank You for sending me great friends this year. 2008 has been so far the best year because of You.secondly, i would like to thank julia alison and michelle for making my school year last year a great one. without them, school wouldnt be as fun as it should have been. they were there to joke with me, play with me, scold me for doing stupid things, reminding me what i was in school for and lastly, studying with me. thank you. im gonna miss you guys. let's continue to meet up even though our school years tgt are over (:thirdly, machos. thank you so much for this entire year. michel, janelle, claire, claud, matt, fred, darryl, ezra, kai, amos, harold. you guys made my year so exciting. we had a great friendship going on, i really hope that all these would not stop in 08 but we will hold on to this friendship throughout our lives. we can continue build up each other's faith in God. (: thank is my girls cell! they have been superrrr supportive and amazing. i think if they did not care for me. i would not be where i am now. i would have left church been so far away. but because they were there for me during my lowest points, i really felt a sense of belonging. though you guys may not know it. but i really thank you guys. you guys played an impt part of my life. lois, charmaine, kymberly, yi-ling, phyllis, hannah. ((:finally, people that i drifted from this year. delise yang. joan wong, jeannette choe, jolyn loh and eloise lee. please please please come back into my life. i want you guys back. this year i promise myself to spend more time with you. i dont care if you guys have to study for A's. i'll accompany you guys to study. i'll be there to support you with my prayers. i miss you guys so much. come back into nat's life soonnow, back to 2009.this year is gonna be a even greater year then know how i know? because this year i've made great friends that will inspire me to keep walking with the Lord! kelvin, amos and adriel. (:anyway, im cell leader this year. so please pray for me okay! i'll need all the prayers i can possibly get. O level results are coming out alr. im worried but excited cause i wanna know what God has planned for me (: this year i promise will be a whole lot better (:"face your past with no regrets, handle your present with confidence, prepare for the future without fear"In His love and mine,Natalie Darlene Yeo
♥ 7:08 PM
x[PL]ode camp comm outing!! (:29th of dec 08
meet mommy yvette and my lil sis denise.

then there's my superbro sean and cool sis delise

sean's smile is so cuteeeee! haha

i love her to bits

mommy and i are doing an advertisement for shampoo!

we LOVE you

we then headed to mind cafe

say what?! it's an awesome game


poor dee looks confused
does she remind you of sam?


us again
Natalie ♥
♥ The psychotic lover.