Thursday, October 29, 2009 ♥
♥ 5:54 AM

and he has not replied for more than an hour. okay, i know i should not be so reliant on him. blah blah blah.. but its like ARGHHHH! okayokay..
i shall not complain. i dont want him to feel bad.
today we celebrated my daddy's bday! we surprised him! it was like super cool la! goodnesssssss!!
i was running around like a crazy woman making sure that he did not see anyone else besides me and my bro. and i had to make sure that he came to the 2nd floor so everyone could gather in the house... :D then finally everyone was in and he went down and everyone sang happy bday song for him. and we went to go cut cake and take picture and the biggest surprise of all came in! it was my mom!!! HAHAHA. he thought that my mom went to malaysia! woohoooooooooooooooooooo:D mission accomplished! :D
ps, im still missing you! rahhh. im like dying without talking to you. why are you not replying my text? ):
Monday, October 26, 2009 ♥
♥ 11:03 PM
im like really really bored in the library. im suppose to be doing my journal entry for my dip plus. but heh.. i dont feel like doing. AND omg.. i need to do 2 entries! goodness! can someone please help me?
well, okay. at least i have wishbone. but B is in class. and guess what! he has to go training tonight.. so that means, i wont be able to talk to him from now..which is 2pm, all the way to 1030pm. well. i stopped talking to him from 1pm. cause he has his freaking practical which takes away his entire tues afternoon. what's worse is that he cant even text much! rahhhhh! and during training, oh my! lets not even start talking about that.. he wont even have much energy left to text or call. though i know he really wants too :P *winks*
i realise that i have this habit of always writing about him. oh man! he's taking over my entire life!!!!!!! hahaha.. okayokay. actually, thats not the reason i always blog about him. its cause i just feel that no one really reads my blog? only him. that's why. haha.
ps, i shall try to do my work now. im still missing you :D
Sunday, October 25, 2009 ♥
♥ 6:22 PM
B and i went to science centre a few days ago! it was really fun! one of our best dates ever!! :D

OH NOOOOO! MY PRECIOUS' HEAD IS ON THE TABLE! POOR THING! we had a good laugh at this!

this was super cute! we could like write things to each other and post it and it would come out on the big screen. this is what he said to me :D

and OMGGGG! this is disgusting okay! we were like sitting on a tongue.... the next picture is even worse!


then we saw some F1 stuff there too... B loves cars.

oh, and look at me. im so talented. i can play a harp without strings. hah :P

this was inside the science centre building.. it was quite big but we managed to complete everything!

okay, thats all for science centre! but we had many other fun dates toooooo :D this was just one..
anyway, i really wanna talk to my mommy soon. then we can make things official :D
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 ♥
♥ 9:39 AM
yayyyy!! :D
so excitinggg!
finally lehhhhhh.
always cannot then today finally can. we both improved :D
<3 loves!
Natalie ♥
♥ The psychotic lover.