Monday, November 30, 2009 ♥
♥ 6:47 PM

so fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!! heehee. :D
Friday, November 20, 2009 ♥
♥ 2:38 AM

as you can see, ive dyed my hair purplish red! aint it cool?
my b as you can see, has dyed his hair purple! we are sooooo cool :D
oh goodness, we're already at week5 and in week8 we'll be having our MSTs! oh no! im so not prepared this term. time has passed extremely fast when youre not cheering! hahah :D kidding.
i got alot of assignments due too and im not done with them! ooh no! kill me now! help!!!! :S
i have no idea what in the world have i been doing but i seem to be very tired after each night.
thank you dee and zhihe for still reading my blog :D means alot to me. i wonder who else reads it too la. oh wells.
b is busy doing his work now. :S but im like disturbing him all the time. ooops. im such a bad influence. haha. anyway, i shall go do my work now.
im really happy with my hair anyway :D
ps, thanks for loving me. you make me so happy :D
i hate b!
Thursday, November 19, 2009 ♥
♥ 7:26 AM
you make me feel beautiful :D
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 ♥
♥ 6:21 AM

my silly boy is still the sweetest todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D
we went to watch 2012 today. its an awesome show! though in the middle it was quite draggy. i had headache today and B was super sweet. he was so worried la. silly. hahhahahah :D
im okay now though. my headache keeps coming and going! annoying! hahha :D
anyway, he came over to my place again tonight.
and he helped me do some of my assignment. sweet right? yes i know.
im glad ive got a guy like him :D
i really want us to be official sooon :D
ps, lovelovelovelovelove :D you make me happy.
Monday, November 16, 2009 ♥
♥ 9:46 PM

okay as you can see, ive been really really busy. ive been out training with b. though, its different then training in a squad cause if you train alone the progress will be slower. but i still dont wanna give up cheering yet. as you guys can see, b and i can toss to hand without spots. we can do extension toooooo. now the next thing we're training for is lib. okay.. enough cheer talk for now.
recently, my bro's bday just passed so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY ONE AND ONLY DEAREST LITTLE BROTHER! we went to wildwildwet to celebrate his birthday and my cousin's bday toooo. my cousin's bday is tmr so HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAN!! :D
then we also had a family/close friends celebration for the both of themm.. :D it was really fun. okay, so thats about all for the birthday.
now, finally.. onto my favourite topic! my sweetheart B :D he's been the sweetest lately. (: i cant help it. he is making me fall so deeply in love with him. He is just so caring and so selfless. ive been like moodswinging lately but yet he still pampers me and gives in to me. thank you so much b. then just yesterday. i had a really bad headache and i felt like puking. the sweet him brought me to the doctor. and he really like held me so tightly to make sure i was not gonna fall or smth cause it was raining while we were walking back. he sacrificed to let me use the jacket to cover my head while he had nothing to protect himself from getting wet... gosh.. so sweet right?
then after sending me back he came over to my place for dinner with my mom. i know he felt awkward but he knew that i wanted to see him longer so he stayed.. awww. he just melts me la.. and what made me melt the most most most was when he sent me a sms prayer. the prayer was saying thank you God for giving us such a great day and stuff. wow. i can really see the change in him ever since he accepted christ. he has been so much more patient with me. :D
thank you so so so much. you've been the best. and what's better is that since i didnt go to school today and i cant see him, he's coming all the way down from school just to see me for awhile later :D i miss him so much the entire day. he's been really busy with classes. hope he's doing well in school. i sure do know that im missing him so much. and i really hope he's missing me too..
yes yes, its been awhile since ive blogged so much. but i havent been so happy in such a long time :D
ps, youre the one for me. :D and i know it.
Friday, November 06, 2009 ♥
♥ 5:56 AM

the pics would have told you all how it was like. hahaha. he was hurt by me many times. haha. im sorry B. i really didnt mean to. haha :D
anyway, i'm still training hard though i dont go for training. i still have a passion for cheer
anyway, today was awesome la :D heeheeee. i had fun la :D
thanks B for everything :D
you've really been really supportive in everything i do! i dont know what will happen to me if you are not around. hah :D
ps, thank you so much :D
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 ♥
♥ 12:10 AM
156 days. :D
i miss him. he's at class again.
workload is coming down hard on me.
i know im lagging behind by alot. but i cant help it! rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ps, quick finish class!!!!!!
Natalie ♥
♥ The psychotic lover.